
Pilot Study on Brain Gym® and Mild Cognitive Impairment among Seniors

Pilot Study on Brain Gym® and Mild Cognitive Impairment among Seniors in Hong Kong


Lee E1,3, Wong A2, Mok V2, Li Y W3, Kam D3 (Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council 1, CUHK-Dept. of Medicine & Therapeutics2, Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor / Consultant3 )


Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) represents the transitional state from normal cognitive aging to dementia. It is found in up to one-fifth of elderly persons aged over 65.1, 2 MCI is a heterogeneous clinical entity with multiple etiologies.3 Most often, MCI is described in the context of prodromal Alzheimer’s disease (AD) because of its potential progressive nature. Patients with MCI, in particular the amnestic MCI subtype, have been shown to exhibit a more rapid cognitive decline than their normal counterparts. Overseas studies have shown that MCI patients exhibit an annual progression rates of 4-40% and have a 7-fold risk of progression to dementia compared to cognitively-normal persons.4, 5 Despite the large variability across different studies and the lack of local data, these alarming figures show that MCI represent a detrimental and malignant state of cognition that should be detected and treated early.

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Letzte Änderung: 12.02.2025

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